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Message from the President




Dear SFWA Members,


I am honored to have been selected as your president.

So here's my message and wisdom for your reading pleasure:

Just Do It

Just write;

Just submit your artistic works;

Just comment and praise and criticize other writers;

Just learn how to hit the "Like" button on Facebook;

Just learn how to use hashtags on Twitter;

Just be a risk taker with your writing;

Just find your niche;

Just find your voice;

Just find your POV;

Just toughen and thicken your skin;

Just subscribe to a writer's magazine;

Just attend our monthly meetings;

Just submit your words to our contests, our Authors' Voice and our Facebook page;

Just don't listen to criticism, embrace it;

Just be creative;

Just be brave and remember cowards die a thousand deaths.

Just express your thoughts, fears, beliefs and love in your writing because you, my friend, just happen to be a writer.



Mort Laitner

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